7 mins

Is the NFL a Microcosm of What Ails America?

    The other day Lucy and I were debating who to root for (euphemism for who to bet on) in an NFL game between the Patriots of New England and the Jets of New York. Neither of us has the least bit of affection for either team. So I blurted out that we should ...

6 mins

Ultimate Racism: A Rant

  The United States’ shameful treatment of Haiti, the world’s oldest Black republic, took another cruel turn this week and we have the MAGA crowd and its leader to thank.   Haiti has been our punching bag for more than 160 years. We were the last country to recognize it as a nation, by decades; ...

9 mins

Repairing the Breach – Some Thoughts

  I could have called this blog Reparations but I didn’t, fearing that even enlightened readers might click delete. Few subjects are more touchy in our country than talking about what might be owed to descendants of the formerly enslaved. Even liberals quake at the enormity and complexity of the issue. The usual reasons that ...

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