7 mins

Is the NFL a Microcosm of What Ails America?

    The other day Lucy and I were debating who to root for (euphemism for who to bet on) in an NFL game between the Patriots of New England and the Jets of New York. Neither of us has the least bit of affection for either team. So I blurted out that we should ...

4 mins

Tom Dempsey – RIP

With Crandall and Walker at Saints vs Titans December 2019

(Photo above: The Quixotic Deacon, Crandall, and Walker at Saints vs Titans, Nashville, Dec. 2019)   On a fall afternoon almost 50 years ago, Lucy and I looked down from the stands of Tulane Stadium, the old Sugar Bowl, hopelessly watching the last play of a nail-biter between the Saints and the Detroit Lions. The ...

5 mins

Wretched Excess – The Match in Las Vegas and the PGA

You’ve heard the Quixotic Deacon rant about greed and excess in the corporate world. I’ve detailed the pay packages at Walmart and McDonald’s and looked at the compensation of  CEOs and board members generally in earlier posts. If you didn’t read those posts and are curious, take a look at them in this website’s archives. ...

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