3 mins

Thoughts and Prayers

    Another 21 innocents have been slaughtered in our “great country,” sacrificed on the altar of gun manufacturers’ right to maximize profits. This sacrifice was enabled by the gross corruption that characterizes our political system, which allows companies that make weapons of death to buy loyalty through their powerful lobby, the NRA. So don’t ...

6 mins

A Victory for Cruz

Were it not for Fitz McAden, my editor and friend of 70-plus years (yes, we played together as toddlers!), I might have missed this story from today’s New York Times. Court decisions about campaign financing don’t stand a chance of being noticed amid headlines about Ukraine, this week’s multiple mass shootings, the Roe v. Wade ...

6 mins

The Coddling of the Morbidly Rich

When weeks go by without posting a blog, I fantasize that readers wonder why. Alas, like most fantasies, this one probably exists only in my mind. Still, I owe you an explanation for my long silence.    I was preoccupied with three things:     Holy Week and Easter — A pretty flimsy excuse, honestly,  because ...