6 mins

The Coddling of the Morbidly Rich

When weeks go by without posting a blog, I fantasize that readers wonder why. Alas, like most fantasies, this one probably exists only in my mind. Still, I owe you an explanation for my long silence.    I was preoccupied with three things:     Holy Week and Easter — A pretty flimsy excuse, honestly,  because ...

5 mins

Helping Ukraine

    Hundreds of millions of people around the world are watching in horror as Putin’s invading hordes try to subdue Ukraine and render it a non-state. Most of them, I venture, feel as I do — overcome with a mix of sadness and anger. How can our country, which boasts democratic ideals backed up ...

5 mins

Happy New Year?

During the last weeks of 2021, I simply didn’t want to write. I  knew I wouldn’t be able to strike a light, optimistic tone befitting the season; trying to would come off as counterfeit. So instead of pretending cheer, I saved up some items to share as we roll into 2022.    Do you remember ...

5 mins

Over the Horizon Warfare – the New American Militarism

On Sept. 17, Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, commander of US military operations in the Middle East, held a video conference with reporters. He acknowledged that a drone strike on Aug. 29 that was supposed to kill a group of Isis-K bombers had actually killed 11 innocent civilians, including children. He called it a “tragic mistake.”  What ...

5 mins

Who Biden Must Help

Let’s turn away from the grotesque spectacle that is Trumpism and ponder the challenges confronting our new administration. It’s heartening that Joe Biden already has signed a flurry of executive orders addressing some of our most knotty problems —  the pandemic, the climate crisis and immigration, for example. It’s a promising start, to be sure.  ...

5 mins

The Invasion of the WEC’s

Since the invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, we have been inundated with images of violence and hatred from that day of infamy. Each day seems to bring a new photo or video that shocks. A couple of days ago I saw for the first time video of a rioter leading other insurrectionists ...

6 mins

Will Betsy DeVos End Public Education?

Earlier this week I noticed a Facebook post from Lee McAden Robinson. Lee is the elder sister of Fitz McAden, who edits this blog. I’ve known them both all my life. Lee’s post had the catchy caption, “This woman is the devil incarnate” above a picture of our Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. I commented ...

6 mins

Revisiting Patriotism after the 4th of July 2020

I’ve spoken about patriotism in two past sermons that coincided with the Fourth of July, one five years ago and the other the next year. Here are links to both, which were delivered at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Newport, RI:   https://thequixoticdeacon.com/sermon/christian-patriotism-originally-july-5th-2015/   https://thequixoticdeacon.com/sermon/christian-patriotism-part-two-originally-july-5-2016/   Because we’ve experienced so much social ...

7 mins

Fight Back or Give Up?

  On Saturday May 9, I was writing in my journal about depression. No, not about clinical depression. Rather, about the gnawing depression caused by  contemplating the future of our country if we don’t vote out Republicans in November. Each day’s news brings more evidence of what’s at stake as long as Republicans hold power ...

5 mins

Is the Roman Catholic Right More Dangerous than the WEC’s?

A good deal has been written about the Christian Right and its support for and influence on Donald Trump. In fact, I have written about it on several occasions. For example:    https://thequixoticdeacon.com/general/do-you-know-what-a-wec-is/   Remember my shorthand term for these people? WECs or White Evangelical Christians. They are led by the Franklin Grahams and Jerry ...

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